“Appledore’s success as a small business is a direct result of our employees’ expertise, hard work, and attitude. As a leader of this company I strive to lead by example in a similar manner as I witnessed when I was a younger engineer here. That has always been the culture at Appledore and is a key part of our contin ued success.”
Matthew L. Teeden, PE, SE, D.PE - Senior Vice PresidentMatt Teeden is a Principal and Vice President of AME. His entire career has been focused exclusively on the inspection, design, and repair of waterfront structures. His expertise includes the design of repairs and new structures for the federal government and commercial facilities across the country and abroad. Matt serves as Principal in Charge for various task orders involving above water and underwater inspections, structural analyses, design, and construction support services, and has managed the design of over $100 million in waterfront improvements over the last three years. Matt also leads the company as AME’s Safety Committee Director to ensure the health and safety of all employees working in the field.
Alongside his AME colleagues, Matt has shared his expertise as a contributing author to industry leading publications such as Design of Marine Facilities by John W. Gaythwaite, and the ASCE Waterfront Facilities Inspection and Assessment manual. Matt regularly speaks and presents to industry and academia on various topics related to the waterfront engineering industry.
Beginning early on in his career, Matt took a strong interest in data collection and organization techniques. Through this interest, Matt has been integral in improving and streamlining Appledore’s field data collection processes and leading this process into the digital and cloud-based age through use of tablets and databases. With this skill set, Matt has been the leading force behind the US Coast Guard’s efforts to collectively track their waterfront facilities’ conditions and repairs through development of a non-proprietary database tool; this tool is now being used across the nation by multiple A/E teams and Coast Guard engineering units.
Matt is a licensed civil and structural engineer in 4 states (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and California), and a certified commercial dive supervisor. Matt is an active member of the ASCE’s Ports and Harbor Committee, Society of Military Engineers (SAME), and the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies (NH-ACEC). Matt holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of New Hampshire and a master’s degree in Structural Engineering from Norwich University.
Did You Know? Matt is extremely goal-oriented and knew early in his freshman year of college that he wanted to combine his passion for the ocean with his education; shortly thereafter he took his first open water SCUBA lesson. Now well into his career as an engineer-diver, Matt has completed over 500 working dives in 34 US States and Territories as well as 5 countries.